Lumbo-Pelvic Region: Stability & Function

This lecture/demo, developed by the MERRITHEW™ team, explores the anatomy and biomechanics involved in the normal healthy functioning of the lumbo-pelvic region, some of the dysfunctions that can occur and exercise progressions to restore optimal function. First, the available movements and functioning of the lumbo-pelvic region are explored considering the lumbar, the pelvis, the hip and surrounding musculature. Common abnormal or dysfunctional movement patterns and postures are addressed. Finally, exercise progressions to rebuild normal muscle action and movement patterning are outlined, as well as exercises to challenge and promote optimal execution, prepare for specific activities and enhance performance.

Learning Objectives

  1. Understand optimal function and movement patterns of lumbo-pelvic region.
  2. Review anatomy and muscular involvement.
  3. Understand common dysfunctions.
  4. Learn exercises and progressions to optimize lumbo-pelvic function.

Additional Details

  • Workshop Length: 2 hours
  • CECs: REPs 2.0 | STOTT PILATES 0.2 | canfitpro 2.0